Tuesday, June 9, 2020

We're open!

It’s all true!!  The news that you have been hearing floating around the interwebs is bang on.  As of Friday June 12th, we have been given to green light to reopen the studio as part of the Stage 2 framework for reopening the province.  So if you have been itching for some new ink, we can start accommodating you. 
Now with the exciting news of reopening also comes a slew of new changes, guidelines and procedures that will become ‘the new normal’ as per the direction of the ministry of health in Ontario.
Please read for full details……………………………………
How are we keeping you and our staff safe?
For those of you who have had the pleasure of attending our studio in the past, you know that we are already employing protocols and procedures in accordance with the local health unit.  Such as…
Contact Tracing
Individual, enclosed tattoo studios per artist
Regular Use of PPE
Thorough sanitizing of all surfaces between clients
100% disposable tattoo equipment
Independent biological monitoring of sterilization equipment
Training and certification of our artists through the Health Unit
But given the tremendous efforts made by the province and country as a whole to reduce and contain the spread of covid-19, there will be some additional changes implemented for the foreseeable future.  Such as……
We will be working by appointment only.  Not to say that we are unable to handle same day requests, but our studio shall remain closed to walk in traffic.  So please give us a call, or shoot us a message, and we will take care of you as soon as possible
Our waiting area inside the studio will also be closed off.  The procedure we must follow going forward, shall be that when you arrive for your appointment, give the shop a call, and your artist will come out to greet you once their area has been properly disinfected, and escort you directly to their personal studio space
Clients are required to mask up while they are inside the shop.  So please bring a face mask.  If you don’t have one, don’t worry, we will happily provide you one.
In order to reduce gathering, this also means... If you are not getting tattooed... You should not come in. So we cannot allow you to bring your friend’s parent’s neighbor’s former roommate with you to the appointment... We need the space to abide by proper physical distancing requirements.  If you have any concerns about being able to come alone message us and we will get you some answers.
There is no need to leave any deposits during this time, as we want to strongly encourage any client to feel free to cancel their appointment should they feel unwell in any way.  We do not want anyone to ignore possible symptoms and show up to their appointment for fear of losing a deposit.
And it should go without saying…...If you have travelled outside the country, been in contact with anyone who has been  are sick, have been sick, or are showing symptoms of covid-19 before your appointment please stay home. The personal safety of our staff, clients and community is of paramount concern.
Other than that, it is business as usual.  Feel free to contact us at any time for more information.  Stay safe, and we hope to see you all soon.

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